The Impact of Leadership® Podcast

People look to you for guidance and vision. Regardless of your title, YOU ARE A LEADER. Powered by CCB Technology®, this podcast features inspiring and entertaining interviews with influential business leaders passionate about achieving success, having an impact, developing people, and leaving a legacy in life. You’ll hear real-world advice, practical tips, and inspirational stories to help you improve your leadership in business and life. Join host Patrick Booth on his leadership journey as he identifies the keys to leading with excellence and a positive impact.

“No one drifts into excellence!”

Patrick Booth, CEO & Podcast Host

117 | Leadership Resources

You can’t give what you don’t have. 
This episode highlights resources to pour into yourself and your team. Books (audio and physical), podcasts, mastermind groups, and events. 
How To Think by Alan Jacobs
Winning The War In Your Mind by Craig Groescel 
The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team by Patrick Lencioni
Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
The Rise Of Teddy Roosevelt by Edmund Morris
Read To Lead by Jeff Brown and Jesse Wisnewski
The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner
A Failure Of Nerve by Edwin H. Friedman

Listen to the episode for the podcast, workshop, and mastermind suggestions.

116 | From Healthcare COO To Solopreneur–Sonnie Linebarger

It takes courage to feel the fear and go anyway. And those are the kind of leaders we want to follow.
Sonnie Linebarger is a wife, mom, COO of Bristol Hospice, host of the Evoke Greatness podcast, and entrepreneur.  She’s accomplished, respected, and redefining the next chapter in her life.
I feel fortunate to have gotten this interview even as the story is being written. Hear how Sonnie navigated Covid as an executive with thousands of employees depending on her. And what lead her to leap into solopreneurship.

114 | You Can’t Do It All –Michaela O’Donnell PhD

Dr. Michaela O’Donnell is back with us today. And for this conversation I focused on her personally.
Not her book or really even the work she does at the Max De Pree Center for Leadership.

We all know people that seem to be made of something different-they’re killin’ it in every area of life.

If you looked at Michaela’s accomplishments you’d think the same of her, so I asked her if she’d be willing to demystify things for us about her personal life.

Where does she fail? How can she do so much and what is she learning?

You’re going to need to listen back to this one.

Please enjoy Dr. Michaela O’Donnell freeing you from having to do it all.

112 | The Enneagram: Gain Perspective, Increase Empathy – pt. 1–Ashley Buenger

Perspective and empathy are vital in leading with excellence. We’re all flawed and we need leaders who know themselves and desire to understand those in their care.

The Enneagram is a tool to help us know ourselves and those around us better and our guest today is going to unpack its value for us.

Ashley Buenger is a life coach, a writer, a wife & mom and has studied and used the Enneagram for years.
She’s driven to connect people to their life’s mission and overcome obstacles along the way.

She’s also our 1st guest contributor at IOL!

111 | Excellence In Education–Willie Jude II, M.Ed.

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Willie Jude II, M. ED. is the Vice-Chancellor of Advancement at The University of Wisconsin Parkside. He’s also a husband, the father of 3 daughters, a member of a huge loving family, and a man of conviction, integrity, and depth of character.

Willie is one of the people you want to help steer the future of a university.
Hear about the early influences and the winding career path that led him to executive leadership in higher education.

110 | Keys to Productivity & Passive Income–Mitch & Nina Ferraro

In this episode, we’re bringing together two big topics: Passive Income & Productivity. 

We all want to walk to the mailbox and see envelopes that contain money vs the bills we expect. And it’s possible to have that be your experience.

You know the feeling of being on a treadmill; you’re sweating but going nowhere. Ever feel like that in your personal or professional life? You’re active for sure but productive…not so much. 

Enter our guests: Nina and Mitch Ferraro. After eight years as business partners in real estate, they now have passive income that exceeds their monthly living expenses. On top of that, Nina launched a company focused on productivity.

108|Great Resignation: Fight Like A Small Business–Patrick Booth

We made it through Covid and started settling in to the new rhythm. Then people began quitting. The Great Resignation is another exhausting round in the fight as a leader.
We’ve got your back.
This episode is practical, encouraging, funny and will remind you that you’re not alone.
It sucks when great people leave, hear how a small business owner is fighting back.

(We’re also running a contest, check episode notes to get in on it)

105 | Leadership, STEM & Motherhood – Ayesha Ahmed

We cover a ton in this episode. The “American Dream”, family business, career progression, motherhood & guilt, women in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics), mentorship, and pushing beyond your comfort zone. 

Ayesha Ahmed is the General Counsel and member of the Executive team at Nexus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a wife, a mom, and is passionate about creating a work environment that promotes mentorship and healthy balance. 

Oh, and she’s fun to be around.