114 | You Can’t Do It All Michaela O’Donnell PhD

In episode 104 Michaela O’Donnell shared about her book Make Work Matter, and the feedback was really encouraging.
As a reminder here are a few things from that conversation:

  • Faithfulness precedes fruitfulness
  • Trust your creativity and build resilience
  • Failing 2 out of 3 times gets you into the hall of fame in baseball, fail well
  • You are more than the things you do
  • Take stock of your relationships, they impact your trajectory
  • We need to recognize the causes of burnout before it’s too late

Her content is valuable and she lacks any pretentiousness, which is a beautiful combination. And so, we’re to picking up where we left off last time with Dr. Michalea O’Donnell.

But this time we’re not focusing on her book or really even the work she does at the Max De Pree Center for Leadership.

This conversation is settled on her personal life. Where does she fail? How can she do so much while raising a family? What is she learning now? And what should we know about burnout?

Connect with Michaela: LinkedIn | Long Winter Media | Michaela’s website
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