160 | Picking A Word For The Year Patrick Booth

In today’s episode, I will focus on  “CHOOSING A WORD FOR THE YEAR”.

This word acts as a guide to help you make decisions, stay aligned with your goals, and bring more clarity to your life throughout the year. It serves as your personal motto or compass.

How do you pick your word for the year?

This 22-minute podcast will review these key focus areas to help you.

  1. Sit down quietly and review the previous year (highlights, challenges, etc.)
  2. Ask yourself hard questions like…
    1. What makes you happy?
    2. What energizes you?
    3. What caused challenges in your life? 
    4. Where do you need boundaries?
    5. What habits do you want to start & stop this year?
  3. Create Goals For Key Relationships
    1. Family
    2. Friends
    3. Faith
    4. Work
    5. Health
    6. Self Care
  4. Brainstorm Words That Fit Your Life Goals
  5. Narrow down your options
  6. Select your word & keep it front/center

Resources: ⇓

Email me your word choice & share your why – patrick.booth@impactofleadership.com

Blog: Words Have Power (Author Ashley Buenger

Podcast Sponsor: CCB Technology – Helping nonprofits & SMBs manage their IT needs – guaranteed!