143 | Manhood Journey Kent Evans – Part 1

Kent Evans has been making a huge impact in millions of lives, all over the world for the past 14 years as cofounder & Executive Director of Manhood Journey. This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Dads become disciple makers.

Kent is a business leader, TV/ radio and podcast host with a key focus on parenting with a Christlike focus. He is an author of several books – Wise Guys, Bring Your Hammer, The Manhood Journey

Kent also has his own podcast called Father On Purpose.  The podcast has more than 100,000+ downloads focused on helping men be godly dads while facing real struggles at work, home and in life. 

There are so many lessons discussed that we’ve had to take this interview and split it into two parts.

Today’s podcast, part one, is focused on learning on what Manhood Journey is doing to help fathers grow as leaders. 

We say often that we only have one bucket for home and work.  

Here is part one with Kent Evans.