128 | The Go-Giver Way Bob Burg

What’s the one thing that defines your worth as a sales rep? How about as a principal? What about as a landscaping person? How about an accountant? Banker? Nurse?

There’s one thing the defines the worth of each of those roles. And it’s the same thing for each of those roles.

But what is it, and how do we nurture it?   

Bob Burg is one of the authors of “The Go-Giver: A little story about a powerful business Idea”.

And it’s now in my top 10 books that I recommend to people. During this episode, you’ll be encouraged, challenged, and intrigued.

We even find out how he feels about mosquitos in this episode.

Set your thoughts about how to get ahead in life aside for a moment and take in the next 28 minutes with Bob Burg, author of “The Go-Giver”.

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