The Impact of Leadership® Podcast

People look to you for guidance and vision. Regardless of your title, YOU ARE A LEADER. Powered by CCB Technology®, this podcast features inspiring and entertaining interviews with influential business leaders passionate about achieving success, having an impact, developing people, and leaving a legacy in life. You’ll hear real-world advice, practical tips, and inspirational stories to help you improve your leadership in business and life. Join host Patrick Booth on his leadership journey as he identifies the keys to leading with excellence and a positive impact.

“No one drifts into excellence!”

Patrick Booth, CEO & Podcast Host

148 | Pushing The Boulder Up The Mountain – Kevin Fillers

Kevin Fillers, CFO for the Major League Paintball, is this week’s guest on the IOL podcast.

When Kevin was in middle school he decided it would be his dream to become a professional paintball player. Guess what? He did it for several years and now he is the CFO for the sport he loves.

Kevin shares the story of how the MLPB has overcome crazy obstacles including a hurricane in 2022 for the World Cup.

“Sometimes it feels like you are the only one pushing the boulder up the mountain but you realize there is a group and this is our strength as we work together.” – Kevin Fillers

Enjoy listening to Kevin’s story as we all wish we could follow our childhood dreams.

146 | C-Suite For Christ – Paul M. Neuberger

In Today’s episode is my interview with Paul M. Neuberger – the man who never sleeps! He is the founder & CEO of C-Suite For Christ which has chapters across the US and an international following. 

Paul is a keynote speaker of many topics like “Everybody’s An Entrepreneur”, “Insane Productivity”, “Overcoming Fear” the author of the book “The Secrets To Cold Call Success” and he does Sales Development training. 

Stop believing lies of fear, anxiety and doubt.

Don’t surround yourself with talent but instead with passion. These people will knock down doors.

Many leaders are concerned with the impossibility of pleasing everyone. Ultimately, the responsibility rests with you.

It’s a long podcast but worth it – check it out now! 

138 | A Healthy Leadership Transition – Mike Bullmore & Brett Wendle

Picture it: For 25 years, you’ve been setting the example and influencing the trajectory — now it’s time to step back so the next generation can step up.
People you know & love are trusting you to handle this well.
Soon, the organization will be bumped by this change, and what’s inside will spill out.

This might be the defining moment of your leadership.
Ready or not, the time to say goodbye is here.

Mike Bullmore and Brett Wendle are both Christian men, husbands & fathers. Recently, Brett was installed as the new Senior Pastor of Crossway Community Church.
Which was a historic moment in the life of Crossway; a Senior Pastor transition hadn’t ever happened before.
Mike was the senior pastor for 25 years, which takes Crossway back to its first days in 1999.

This episode is about their leadership transition.

137 | Passion That Leads To Transformation – Dr. Lynn Akey

When everyone expects you to have all the answers, what do you say when you’re unsure?
When everyone wants some of your time, how do you prioritize who gets a meeting?
Where do you start when there are multiple issues that need to be addressed?
What characteristics rise to the top for a leader willing and able to move an organization forward?

Dr. Lynn Akey is the new Chancellor of The University of Wisconsin Parkside, and she is a leader you would follow. She’s accomplished, passionate, inquisitive, and courageous.

In this conversation, we get to know Parkside’s new leader and hear how she’s approached the transition into the role of Chancellor.